Coat of Many Colors "Panther" - 19x72



In this exquisite piece titled “COAT OF MANY COLORS ‘PANTHER’”, a mixed media design with an ombre effect panther pattern - creates a mesmerizing illusion. The “ombre” color transitions from bright red to jet black, capturing the essence of the wild. This artwork has a flow and magic, inviting you to pause and appreciate the beauty that unfolds with each glance.

Details & Dimensions

● Dimensions: 19" x 72"
● Mixed media: Acrylic, collage, ink blends, and resin on recycled surfboard
● Hang it horizontally or vertically.
● Original Artwork: Includes a certificate of authenticity by the artist.

Shipping & Returns

- Order Preparation

From the time of order placement, order preparation and packaging takes 3 to 5 days. Clients will receive an email with a tracking number once their order has shipped.

- Domestic Shipping

Once shipped, California orders typically arrive within 1- 2 days. Delivery of orders to western states typically takes between 2 and 4 days. Delivery of orders to midwestern states or east coast states typically takes between 3 and 7 days.

- International Shipping

International delivery times vary, depending on order size/weight, and delivery destination. Clients may contact me directly for specific details.

- Returns

All returns must be completed within 30 days of purchase, wrapped in non-abrasive, acid-free packing materials, to receive a refund, minus shipping cost. To make a return, please contact me through my website.

Care & Handling

● Each piece comes with care instructions
● Do not use any chemicals or solvents to clean your artwork. To clean, lightly spritz the art surface with water and gently wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.
● Use acid-free and archival-quality materials to wrap and pack your artwork
● Do not use Surfboard Art recreationally.

Sustainable Artistry

As an artist who calls the lively coastal landscape home, I feel a responsibility to preserve coastal memories. That's why sustainability serves as the guiding light behind my work, crafted consciously from recycled and upcycled canvases.