Surfboards are not only functional tools for riding waves, but also blank canvases for expressing your creativity and personality. Surfboard art can transform your board into a unique piece of art that reflects your style, taste, and passion. Whether you want to add some color, pattern, texture, or message to your board, there are endless possibilities for surfboard art ideas.

Surfboard Art Ideas: How to Make Your Board Stand Out

In this blog, we’ll show you some examples of surfboard art designs, give you some tips on how to make surfboard art yourself, and introduce you to Carolyn Johnson, a US based artist who works on recycled surfboard art.

Examples of Surfboard Art Designs

There are many types of surfboard art designs that you can choose from or get inspired by. Here are some of them:

  • Spray paint. Spray paint is one of the easiest and most common ways to add some color and design to your board. You can use acrylic-based spray paint that is water-resistant and durable. You can also use stencils, tape, or masking paper to create shapes and patterns. For example, you can spray paint a rainbow, a wave, a shark, or a geometric design on your board.
  • Paint markers. Paint markers are another simple and fun way to draw or write on your board. You can use oil-based paint markers that are permanent and waterproof. You can also use different colors and sizes of markers to create contrast and detail. For example, you can paint markers, a flower, a star, a quote, or a name on your board.
  • Hand painting. Hand painting is a more artistic and elaborate way to create surfboard art. You can use acrylic paint or watercolor paint that are suitable for painting on foam or fiberglass. You can also use brushes, sponges, or fingers to apply the paint. For example, you can hand paint a landscape, a portrait, a mural, or an abstract design on your board.
  • Decals. Decals are pre-made stickers or transfers that you can apply to your board. You can buy decals online or in surf shops that have various designs and themes. You can also make your own decals by printing or cutting out images from magazines or newspapers. For example, you can use decals of logos, icons, cartoons, or photos on your board.
  • Collage. Collage is a creative way to use different materials and textures to decorate your board. You can use fabric, paper, foil, lace, feathers, shells, or anything else that you can glue or stick to your board. You can also use mod podge or resin to seal and protect your collage. For example, you can make a collage of maps, tickets, postcards, or letters on your board.
  • Mixed Media. Mixed media is a way to combine different types of surfboard art designs to create a more complex and diverse look. You can use any of the methods mentioned above, or others, such as carving, engraving, or burning. You can also mix different types of paint or material to create new effects and textures.

How to Make Surfboard Art Yourself

If you want to make surfboard art yourself, here are some steps and tips that you can follow:

  • Choose your board. You can use any type of board that you have or want to buy for your surfboard art project. You can use a new or an old board, a longboard or a shortboard, a foam or a fiberglass board. You can also use a broken or a recycled board that you want to give a new life.
  • Clean your board. Before you start painting or decorating your board, you need to clean it thoroughly. You need to remove any wax, dirt, or grease from the surface of your board. You can use hot water, soap, and a cloth to scrub your board. You can also use sandpaper or acetone to smooth or strip the surface of your board.
  • Plan your design. Before you apply any paint or material to your board, you need to plan your design. You need to decide what type of design you want to create, what colors and patterns you want to use, and what tools and materials you need. You can sketch your design on paper or on the computer, or you can improvise as you go along.
  • Apply your design. Once you have planned your design, you need to apply it to your board. You need to follow the instructions of the paint or material that you are using, and be careful not to damage or stain your board. You can use tape, stencils, or masking paper to create shapes and patterns, and brushes, sponges, or fingers to apply the paint. You can also use scissors, glue, or mod podge to attach the materials to your board.
  • Seal your design. After you have applied your design, you need to seal it to protect it from water, sun, and wear. You need to use a clear coat of resin or varnish that is compatible with your board and your design. You need to follow the instructions of the product that you are using, and be careful not to create bubbles or drips on your board. You can use a brush, a roller, or a spray gun to apply the clear coat.

Meet Carolyn Johnson, a US Based Artist Who Works on Recycled Surfboard Art

If you are looking for some inspiration or examples of surfboard art, you may want to check out Carolyn Johnson, a US based artist who works on recycled surfboard art. Carolyn Johnson is an artist who uses old and broken surfboards as her canvas. She transforms them into beautiful and colorful pieces of art that celebrate surfing, nature, and life.

Carolyn Johnson started her surfboard art journey when she decided to rescue them from the landfill and give them a new purpose. She collects the surfboards from friends, neighbors, surf shops, or dumpsters. She then cleans, repairs, and paints them with acrylic paint and resin. She also adds some embellishments, such as shells, stones, or beads.

Carolyn Johnson’s surfboard art designs are inspired by her love for the ocean, the environment, and sustainability. She creates vibrant and whimsical scenes of waves, flowers, sealife, and coast. She hopes that her surfboard art can inspire people to appreciate and protect the beauty of nature and surfing.

Carolyn Johnson’s surfboard art has been exhibited in various galleries and events in the US. She also sells her surfboard art online and accepts custom orders. You can visit her website to see more of her work and learn more about her story.

Parting Words

Surfboard art is a great way to express your creativity and personality on your board. You can use different types of paint or material to create your own design or get inspired by other artists. You can also recycle your old or broken board and turn it into a unique piece of art.

Want to see some amazing examples of surfboard art? Check out Carolyn Johnson Gallery!

We hope this article has given you some useful information and ideas on surfboard art. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.